Perfect for a child in the age 8 - 12 years. Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) is the first volume of stories about Winnie-the-Pooh, written by A.
Full of chances to think and come up with own stories too. It has stories starting from a why ancient people got scared to sun, to the modern astronomy whether we can live in stars.īook is full of pictures. For example it explains how the light travels, using a mirror. Tamil Story Books For Kids : : Tamil Story Books : Panchatantra : agbar birbal : mulla stories : tenali raman: Vikramaditya : aesop fables : inpirational book : Tamil by Jude o. There are very easy, basic, yet interesting scientific observations to do while reading the book. Its a mix of science and fairy tale in order to keep the interest while achieving learning outcomes.

Story goes on as a story which a father tells his children.
That is for the parents, as to how to read the book with the children. There is an introductory page in the start of the book. This book is a great introduction to sky, sun, stars, space and how to observe those and research on those. A book originally written in Russian, by Yepram Lewithan. Just your smartphone is enough to hear our Audio Books.Every child has a book which provoked their love towards space science. Here in our story audios, you can find it a little easy for your kid when he/she starts hearing Ms.Ramya’s voice.Ĭhildren’S Moral Stories In Tamil, Bedtime Stories In English, etc., are available in Google Podcast, Spotify Podcast, Apple Podcast, Castbox, Radio public. Kids love to hear stories from female voices more than men’s voices ( because most often mothers used to tell stories ). Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort. Tamil story books are available for all levels including nursery, kindergarten and primary.
Podcasts Are Available in All The Top Podcasting Platforms Enjoy Free Home Delivery (within Singapore) when you purchase Tamil story books from the following list available on Tamilcube Shop for purchase online. With a skilled and understandable way of explanation in the audiobooks of Raa Raa Story Time, your kids can feel the freedom of hearing our audios. Your Kids will love to hear our Audiobooks because our stories contain some creatives with more entertainment that will be interesting along with the Author Ramya’s voice. Not only kids, even mothers felt very helpful from our Tamil Audio Stories and the voice. Short stories for Children, fairytales, nursery rhymes and fables The Three Little Pigs, Snow White, Tom Thumb, Little Red Riding Hood, and other childhood favorites are here in the Children's. The cat the fish and the waiter available in English, Tamil And French Edition is the best Tamil story book for reading and learning. But here, Ramya, the Author of Raa Raa Story Time and the voice behind all the Audiobooks made it little effortless for moms out there. Shop one of the best Tamil story books online for kids. It is not easy for a mother to make her kid sleep within a single story. Our Stories include more motivational, informative, joy, and traditional stories for Kids.

Ramya, the author, and voice behind Raa Raa Story Time have done a great job in all the audiocast. It contains the best Tamil Moral Short Stories and all that a kid expects from a Story. Raa Raa Story Time covers all types of stories for kids. Include Book Title, Author, Main Characters, Story settings, Story summary, Main Events, Story Conclusion, and atleast one fact and one option about the story. Here comes Raa Raa Story Time, which contains many special Tamil stories for Kids. Write Book Report Kids after reading the Tamil short stories, write & submit your book report. (Kids stories in Tamil Siruvar kathaigal) (Kids stories in Tamil Siruvar kathaigal) ( ) is a fun world for kids which provides stories in tamil, Thenaliraman stories, Mulla stories, Akbar birbal stories, Vikramathithan Vethalam stories, neethi stories. Both Tamil and English Audio Books are available. We Podcast Raa Raa Story Time in all the main podcasting Platforms. Ramya, The Voice behind the Raa Raa Story Time and Author of many stories in Raa Raa Story Time. Raa Raa Story Time comes up with more imaginative stories that are all written by famous Authors in Indian History. Raa Raa Story Time is a Tamil Story Podcast For Kids